Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AlienBase::Wrapper::Bundle - Bundle a copy of Alien::Base::Wrapper with your dist
version 0.32
[AlienBase::Wrapper::Bundle] system_check = | do { # check for libfoo! system_check = | use Devel::CheckLib qw( check_lib ); system_check = | check_lib( lib => [ 'foo' ] ); system_check = | } system = | # use libfoo! system = | $WriteMakefileArgs{LIBS} = [ '-lfoo' ]; alien = Alien::libfoo
NOTE: This technique and plugin is EXPERIMENTAL. Please visit us at #native on irc.perl.org if you want to use this technique.
This module bundled Alien::Base::Wrapper with your distribution, which allows for late-binding fallback of an alien when a system probe fails. It removes Alien::Base::Wrapper
as a configure or build prerequisite if found, in case you have a plugin automatically computing it as a prereq. (Note that if the prereq is added after this plugin it won't be removed, so be sure to use this plugin AFTER any auto prereqs plugin).
This specifies the name of the bundled Alien::Base::Wrapper, the default is inc/Alien/Base/Wrapper.pm
Graham Ollis <plicease@cpan.org>
This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Graham Ollis.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.